Intuitive Workers’ Compensation Case Management with Wings®
Support your clients & cases with HIPAA compliant and secure software
Streamline the way you manage Workers’ Comp cases with Wings. Track work history, injury details, doctors visits, hospital stays, insurance information, and more all in one platform.
Get a 30,000 Ft. View of Your Case
Everything you need to know about your case is just a click away, from your clients’ intake forms, to injury details, work limitations, and more.
Seamlessly Track HIPAA Compliant Records
From doctors records, to hospital stays, and more. Easily track every important aspect of your Workers’ Comp case with just one very secure cloud-based HIPAA compliant software.
Easily Track Correspondence
No more searching through piles and piles of paperwork or your email inbox to find what you need. With just one click on the Documents List tab, you can view all correspondence related to your cases including appeals, briefs, documents, and more.
Streamline Client Communications
Notify your clients of hearings, appeals, and appointments with our client email templates. Your client case details are pre-populated. Easily send texts, emails, merge documents for mailings.
We Make It Look Easy. Just Ask Our Clients.
“We are loving the Wings software. It is so much more useful and targeted to what we do than what we used to use.”
- Advocates for the Disabled, LLC